8-12s Holiday Activities

Holiday activities and trips for children aged 8-12, delivered by qualified and experienced staff. 




01275 842461

There will be a limited number of places available so book early to avoid disappointment! 

PLEASE NOTE: all of our trips, activities and sessions are subject to a 24 hour cancellation notice period. If you cancel within 24 hours of the start time of a session, you will not be eligible for a refund. You can manage your child's bookings through 'MyPYCC'

Tue 18 Feb 2025
09:00 - 12:30

Tie Dye workshop

An interactive session where you will learn the art of tie dye, twisting and shaping your own white t-shirt to create different patterns and designs. 

You will need to bring your own clean white t-shirt to customise. The tie dye process involves soaking the design to set it, so you will be notified when you can come and collect your masterpiece!
Thu 20 Feb 2025
09:00 - 12:30

Six the Musical inspired workshop

A morning of song, dance and creativity inspired by the hit musical, Six. Learn dance routines and songs, as well as creative activities based on the 6 wives of Henry VIII - choose your favourite Queen and get involved!
Thu 20 Feb 2025
13:30 - 17:00

Graffiti art skills and stencilling workshop

Create two graffiti inspired pieces of artwork  to take home using a range of mixed media including pastels, chalks, pencils and of course spray cans and stencils!
 Portishead Youth & Community Centre Ltd 
 Registered Office 
 1 Harbour Road 
 BS20 7DD 
 Company Number 7588073 
 Charity Number 1143238 
 Contact & Social 
 Tel: 01275 842461 
 Email: mail@portisheadyouthcentre.co.uk 
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